• Parker Solar Probe: The Closest Ever Look at the Sun

    NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has emerged as one of the most ambitious and ground-breaking missions to date in the effort to solve the riddles of our Sun and better comprehend the fundamental mechanisms that control our solar system. This ground-breaking spacecraft was launched on August 12, 2018, and it has been on a risky voyage to “touch” the Sun to provide us new insights into the star that determines our existence. It is scheduled to complete its mission in 2025. Let’s examine the mission, its status, and the information it has so far returned as of the present time. The Mission and Goals: The Parker Solar Probe, which bears the…

  • Our Sun will die and engulf Earth one day

    For a while now, scientists have been doing all kinds of math on when & how our Sun will die and what will be the fate of the planets that’s dependent on this yellow star, including Earth  –  well… we may have an answer now. A team of International astronomers along with Professor Albert Zijlstra from the University of Manchester have an answer – it will turn into a planetary nebula – a luminous bubble of gas and dust but a bit more massive. The basics:   We all know that Sun is a hot star that’s composed of Hydrogen and Helium that holds the entire Solar System together – due…